Yet, John defines sin as " Whoever commits sin also commits lawlessness, and sin is lawlessness" (I John 3:4). If masturbation was wrong, then each wet dream a man has is a sin. Often they are accompanied by dreams of sexual situations which can be very disturbing. Yet, wet dreams are acts of masturbation done in a man's sleep. We understand that much as we wish it otherwise, we really don't have direct control over our dreams. Related to this is the question of what to say about wet dreams. To be true to what God taught (I Peter 4:11), I stuck to what I know God says is wrong - lustful thoughts about immoral sexual acts. If it was the thoughts that can make the act sinful (because it would then fall into the category of lust or lewdness) then the answer would be "no" because those thoughts weren't there. If the physical act of masturbation was a sin, then the answer would be "yes," but there was no verse to show this. Young men wanted to know if they sinned because they ejaculated. The latter example is the one that I wrestled with because I was asked about it on several occasions. Thus, the fact that such cases exist also provides incidental evidence that it is possible to climax without indecent thoughts. While today's society is filled with indecent ideas, still there are many young men who at the time it happened had no idea what was going to happen. One example that I've frequently cited are young men who experience their first ejaculation in the shower. While this isn't hard evidence, it does indicate that it is possible. While bad habits are hard to break, and sexual bad habits are easy to establish, I have had numerous men tell me that they are able to masturbate without indecent thought, especially if they wait until the sexual urge because of semen build up gets very strong. Therefore, it is not true that a man must have indecent thoughts in order to ejaculate. " Marriage is honorable among all, and the bed undefiled but fornicators and adulterers God will judge" (Hebrews 13:4). The brain does naturally fall into a pattern of thought related to sexual arousal, but is it necessary that those thoughts be immoral in order to reach orgasm? If such were true, then all acts of sex, including the moral act of sex between a husband and wife, would have to be accompanied by immoral thoughts by at least the husband.

Masturbation is a process of mechanically stimulating yourself.

I agree that many men use pornography and indecent sexual thoughts to climax during masturbation, but I know of nothing that states that those thoughts are necessary to masturbation.

Since the Bible does not directly state that masturbation is a sin, something you seem to agree with since you have not found a verse to cite, we then must look to see if there are things associated with masturbation that make it wrong. So it must be by appealing to God's Word that we decide whether something is right or wrong. The only standard for determining right and wrong that God has given us is his Word. For example, the Bible warns there will be false teachers in the church (II Peter 2:1), it should be clear that just because a person who had followed a false teacher all his life, it doesn't imply that what he had always heard was true. First, whether you were taught something all your life or not, such by itself does not define what is right.